Houses For Sale Wigan Lane Huddersfield. — 4 bedroom detached house for sale in gathurst lane, shevington, wigan, wn6 for £400,000. See properties from the leading agents in. this property is located at 35 wiggan lane, huddersfield hd2 1el and has an estimated current value of £106,000. Houses for sale & to rent, with the best properties in. Marketed by yopa, north west. property for sale in wigan lane wn1, wigan. — 2 bedroom end of terrace house for sale in smithy lane, skelmanthorpe, huddersfield hd8 9df, hd8 for £175,000. use zoopla to view property details for 32 wiggan lane huddersfield hd2 1el including a current value estimate, local. browse a range of property to buy in wigan lane, wigan wn1 with primelocation. browse a range of houses to buy in wiggan lane, huddersfield hd2 with primelocation. find out how much your property is worth in wiggan lane huddersfield hd2 with primelocation's free tool. Marketed by ezmuve estate agents, batley there have been 4 property sales on wiggan lane, hd2 over the last 5 years with an average house price paid of £114,437, and. view all house sales since 1995 in wiggan lane, huddersfield, hd2 1el, as well as price trends and analysis See houses and flats from the top agents in wigan lane, wigan wn1 and get.
— 4 bedroom detached house for sale in meg lane, huddersfield, hd3 for £375,000. Houses for sale & to rent, with the best properties in. there have been 4 property sales on wiggan lane, hd2 over the last 5 years with an average house price paid of £114,437, and. 3 bed detached bungalow for sale in wiggan lane, sheepbridge, huddersfield hd2, selling for £210,000 from martin thornton estate. — 2 bedroom end of terrace house for sale in smithy lane, skelmanthorpe, huddersfield hd8 9df, hd8 for £175,000. — 3 bedroom terraced house for sale in scholefield lane, wigan, wn1 for £130,000. browse a range of property to buy in wigan lane, wigan wn1 with primelocation. — the average price for a property in wiggan lane, huddersfield, west yorkshire, hd2 is £186,000 over the last. Marketed by ezmuve estate agents, batley Visit for property details
2 bed flat for sale in Wigan Lane, Wigan, Lancashire WN1 Zoopla
Houses For Sale Wigan Lane Huddersfield find out how much your property is worth in wiggan lane huddersfield hd2 with primelocation's free tool. this property is located at 35 wiggan lane, huddersfield hd2 1el and has an estimated current value of £106,000. use zoopla to view property details for 32 wiggan lane huddersfield hd2 1el including a current value estimate, local. browse a range of property to buy in wigan lane, wigan wn1 with primelocation. find out how much your property is worth in wiggan lane huddersfield hd2 with primelocation's free tool. Marketed by yopa, north west. See houses and flats from the top agents in wigan lane, wigan wn1 and get. — 4 bedroom detached house for sale in meg lane, huddersfield, hd3 for £375,000. browse a range of houses to buy in wiggan lane, huddersfield hd2 with primelocation. property for sale in wigan lane wn1, wigan. there have been 4 property sales on wiggan lane, hd2 over the last 5 years with an average house price paid of £114,437, and. Visit for property details — 2 bedroom end of terrace house for sale in smithy lane, skelmanthorpe, huddersfield hd8 9df, hd8 for £175,000. 3 bed detached bungalow for sale in wiggan lane, sheepbridge, huddersfield hd2, selling for £210,000 from martin thornton estate. Marketed by thomas james sales and. — the average price for a property in wiggan lane, huddersfield, west yorkshire, hd2 is £186,000 over the last.